рэндом из NYTW:
Начала читать Without You. Про разговор Марка и Роджера в Goodbye Love:
"This line resounded with me, setting off bursts of insight and compassion. It was the first time Mark had expressed the crux of his dilemma: he was the only HIV-negative member of his circle of friends (even Maureen was positive in this version of the show), the only one with a wide open future, and there was nothing he could really do for them. The only possibly meaningful response he had come up was to make a film about all of them, to try to document their lives before they were gone. But of course he had been unable to finish it, and now Angel was dead, and who knew which one of his friends would be next. It would probably be Mimi, considering the way she looked - "Mimi's gotten thin / Mimi's running out of time," Mark desperately tells Roger - and Roger was leaving, and he might be next, or Collins, or Maureen. and when they were all gone Mark would be truly, utterly, terribly alone. Although I didn't share his urgent circumstances, I empathized with his fear of losing loved ones and with the fear of being alone."
Энтони! ЭНТОНИ! Что ты со мной делаешь, Энтони?
А там дальше про их love you, которые quiet и awkward, но это единственное во всем мюзикле, где they express any real warmth or affection for each other. Потому что действительно, все действие: что в вышевыложенной You're a Fool, что в He Says они постоянно цепляются друг другу (особенно Марк. потому что он здесь козлина), но вот под конец, когда Роджер уезжает, расстаются так щемяще и трогательно.