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бла-бла-блаAnonymous asked : Do Kurt and Blaine look happy together?
I’ve barely seen them together, but Kurt comforts Blaine about something
Anonymous asked : Can you say anything about how the cast interacts with one another between takes? Like Chris and Darren?
they’re all super goofy. it’s hilarious. Harry keeps dancing around in Kevin’s wheelchair, Cory trolls everyone and takes videos, Damian is really friendly to the extras, Darren and Chris seem like really close friends, along with Heather and Naya.
Anonymous asked : AT LEAST TELL US IF THEY KISS (Kurt and Blaine)
Anonymous asked : no slushies i hope for once?
haven’t seen any, but i can’t guarantee that there weren’t any
Anonymous asked : I’m not sure if you can say but what color corsages do Kurt and Blaine have??
theopengrave asked : wait so just to clarify, klaine does attend prom together?
yep! — Here’s a hint In one scene, let’s just say that Blaine comes out of the curly hair closet.
Anonymous asked : I am so intrigued by the curly hair comment! Does it happen as a result of something? Or just styled that way?
As a result of something, I think
Anonymous asked : any klaine pda?! if so, in what way?! i. must. know.
Not sure if I should really answer that or not… There’s a tiny bit.
Anonymous asked : Does there seem to be a lot of focus on Kurt and Blaine? (Or any really?)
It doesn’t seem like there’s a lot, so far, from what I can tell. But they have at least one really cute scene together!
Anonymous asked : Do Kurt and Blaine look gorgeous together again this year?
YES. Oh god, YES. Then again, how could they not look gorgeous together?
Also: -Rachel and Finn have at least 1 dance together.
-Kurt shows more skin than last year’s prom and his outfit emphasizes the height difference between him and Blaine.Фух, форматировать текст с телефона - это тяжкий труд. Энивейс, ваши теории на предмет вышеуказанного?