Милай! Собрала! Волшебность!
17.05.2012 в 04:38
Latent Sociopath:
Marker's FSTFinally, я вроде дособирала ФСТ по прекрасным и даже сделала халтурную обложку

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[05:22] . Band Of Horses - The Funeral
I'm coming up only to hold you under
I'm coming up only to show you wrong
And to know you is hard and we wonder
To know you all wrong, we were
Really too late to call, so we wait for
Morning to wake you; it's all we got
To know me as hardly golden
Is to know me all wrong, they were
At every occasion I'll be ready for a funeral
[03:19] . Django Django - Storm
You're on the go
You're always wanna go
You want to go somewhere
Where you don't know
And when you run
And when I try to run
You leave me bent over
With a stitch in the road
You are a storm
You are my little storm
[03:45] . Holy Oaks - Let Me Die in the Morning
Morning brings light by the feet of the dawn,
To light those tired eyes both crying out a warning
So please for tonight let me sleep in your arms,
And if i die
Let me die in the morning
[01:39] . Homeless Daniel Mustard - Boys Don't Cry (the Cure cover)
I would say I'm sorry
If I thought that it would change your mind
But I know that this time
I have said too much,
Been too unkind
[04:11] . Jack Penate - Pull My Heart Away
I'm ripping your posters off the wall
I'm moving the boxes into the hall
I stop when I hear a drumbeat call
Must be a sign, it is time
[03:20] . Jackson C. Frank - Dialogue
I want to be alone
I need to touch each stone
Face the grave that I have grown
I want to be
Before all the days are gone
And darker walls are bent and torn
To pass the time of those who mourn
I want to be
[04:03] . Matchbook Romance - Monsters
it came as no surprise
you bring me back to life
believe me
you bleed for me
i'll bleed for you
[03:58] . Muse - Time Is Running Out
I think I'm drowning
I wanna break this spell
That you've created
Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out
I wanted freedom
Bound and restricted
I tried to give you up
But I'm addicted
[02:51] . Stars - A New Year
New Year's eve 1995.
Sad to still be here.
But happy to be alive.
Seems like the more one lives the less one thrives.
Days getting shorter.
But the longing just keeps on coming.
I raise my glass just one more time.
try to write another rhyme.
A word that ryhmes with hopeful.
for the new year
[02:28] . Sugarplum Fairy - Hate It When You Go
I'm tired since last night and I tried to do things right
Now it's time to start drinking
'cause my head is shrinking
And I hate it when you go
Oh, I don't know why I always seems to
Hate it when you go
Oh, when I know
that it's time to let it go
[02:53] . Tenacious D - Dude (I Totally Miss You)
Dude, i totally miss you
I really fucking miss you
I'm all alone,
All the time, all the time
Dude, i totally miss you
The things we did together
[03:44] . The Rural Alberta Advantage - Sleep All Day
Well I shouldn't sleep all day,
you'll waste the afternoon.
'Cause I know if I'm up all night
you'll be going to bed soon.
So wipe the sleep from your eyes
and I'll wipe 'em out of mine too.
If we try to hold on,
then I'll try to hold on to you.
[02:46] . Thousand - Who Do You Love?
I've lived long enough
I ain't afraid to die
[05:12] . TV On The Radio - Young Liars
Well, it's cold and it's quiet, and cobblestone cold in here
Fucking for fear of not wanting to fear again
Lonely is all we are
[03:19] . Typhoon - The Sickness Unto Death
now i've only got one organ left and this old bag of bones it is failing me
i try to tell people that i'm dying only they don't believe me
they say we're all dying, that we're all dying
but if you are dying, why aren't you scared?
why aren't you scared
like i'm scared?
[04:43] . White Lies - Bigger Than Us
And I feel like I'm breaking up, and I wanted to stay,
Headlights on the hillside, don't take me this way,
I don't want you to hold me, I don't want you to pray,
This is bigger than us
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URL записиСлушаю и рыдаю, слушаю и рыдаю. Потому что Марк, и Роджер, и все между ними.
А вообще мы с Милай хорошо устроили себе фандом на двоих. Полное самообслуживание a la Том и Джулия: она отвечает за музыку, а я за текстовые воплощения хэдканонов.
everything i touch becomes shipping,
I don’t own emotion - I rent
Я скоро начну писать песни про scarves and aids таким темпамиНу вот для этого мы используем тумблероартеров
Давно пора!Тогда уж и Марк для "Дерека" и Уилл Чейз для тебя, который и Роджер...для вдохновения.
Да, дайте мне Чейза для вдохновения
И я тоже хочу вдохновения!а тебе, моя дорогая, танцующие негры, только такНе хочу
мне даже адвокат не полается?адвокат тебя не вдохновляетКто сказал? Вообще, я согласна на кроссовер адвоката и Адама Паскаля
даже боюсь представить, как это будет выглядетьА, по-моему, мило
Адаму пойдет костюм, урр.вот тут не соглашусь - Адаму в костюмах не очень х)Разве ему в чем-то плохо? На церемонии, которую вел Даррен он как-раз в костюме был. ножки-ногииивот и я к тому ссылаюсь. кроме ног - ничего хорошегоЕсли бы он был Адвокатом, то я бы принимала его такого, какой он есть